Oct 16, 2020 | Abortion, Parenting, Pregnancy, Relationships
This is a guest post from Wayne Chesley, the volunteer Men’s Mentoring Director at Metro Women’s Care. As I was nearing retirement, God convicted me that it was time to leave the business world and He impressed on me a sense that I had more important things to do. I...
Jun 23, 2020 | Abortion, Abortion Recovery
Post-abortion stress syndrome (also known as PASS) is something that you may have heard of. It is a condition that is believed to be an extension of PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. While PASS is a condition that is debated by some people, we at H3Helpline have...
Apr 28, 2020 | Abortion, Pregnancy
While most women believe that a chemical abortion is safe, the abortion industry often misinforms its patients. You may have heard of a chemical or medical abortion, but maybe you haven’t yet learned of the dangers involved. Here’s what’s important… What...
Feb 18, 2020 | Abortion, Pregnancy
“When I discovered that I was pregnant, like most 19-year-olds with an unplanned pregnancy, I was terrified. I was scared of what my parents would say or do. I was a part-time student and a part-time employee.” Living at home and sharing an already tightly spaced room...