Chemical Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Healing

A chemical pregnancy can leave you with a lot of questions and emotions. What causes it? Did I miss the signs and symptoms? Can I get pregnant again after a chemical pregnancy? You don’t have to process your thoughts and feelings on your own. Options Now is here to...

5 Reasons You’re Spotting After a Positive Pregnancy Test

Early pregnancy can be a stressful and confusing time. Your body is starting to change and you’re experiencing new symptoms every day. The one thing you least expect is spotting, especially after a positive pregnancy test. We get it—it’s easy to panic when you first...

Ectopic Pregnancy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

An ectopic pregnancy can feel frightening. If this is your first pregnancy experience, you likely have some scary questions racing through your mind. What are my treatment options? Am I going to be ok? Can the fetus survive an ectopic pregnancy? At Options Now, our...

Plan B: How it Works, Side Effects, and More

Even if you’re using protection, there’s always a chance that you could get pregnant. Perhaps you’ve turned to Plan B to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. But, what happens if Plan B fails? It’s crucial to understand your pregnancy options so you can plan your next steps!...

What Happens During a Miscarriage?

By: Breannia Stillwell When you learned you were pregnant, you may have been filled with joy and excitement.  You may have begun to make plans for your baby and even build a bond or attachment to your unborn child. Then, the excitement, joy, and planning abruptly came...

Overcoming Postpartum Depression

By: Breannia Stillwell Overcoming Postpartum Depression  Having a baby can indeed be stressful and may lead to depression which is common in new mothers. No matter how excited you are about your new bundle of joy or how much love you have for your child you may feel...